1. All AMA and Davis Bridge Aeromodelers safety rules must be
  2. No member shall fly without a current AMA membership card and a
    current Davis Bridge Aeromodelers membership card.
  3. No alcoholic beverages,  model rockets or explosive
    devices are allowed at the flying field.
  4. Guest or perspective members shall not fly without an AMA
    membership card and must be escorted by a member in good
    standing. Host member is responsible for guests flying ability before
    guest is released to fly on their own.  Guests are limited to three flying
    sessions per year.
  5. A Flyer in possession of a frequency pin has the only legal transmitter
    on the field for that frequency.
  6. No motors or engines shall be operated behind the spectator fence.
  7. Pilots will fly from the designated pilot flight line. No more than five
    aircraft in the air at any time.
  8. No aircraft shall fly behind the flight line, over the pit area or over/near
    Davis Bridge road.
  9. The flight pattern will be a left-hand pattern (LEFT to RIGHT) unless the
    wind direction dictates otherwise.
  10. Call out of take-off and landing approaches is required. Give
    warnings to other pilot when present. All Pilots must be clear of the
    runway during take-off, low passes and touch-and-goes.
  11. Low passes to be made on outside edge of the runway when there
    are other pilots on the flight line.
  12. Other than dead stick landing, all landings and take-offs will be parallel
    to the active runway. No hand launching from the pit area. No taking off
    from the pit area.
  13. All aircraft must be held securely by a mechanical device or a qualified
    helper during engine start up and radio check, regardless of power
  14. All persons learning to fly must fly with the assistance of an
    experienced pilot until they are judged competent to fly on their own by
    one of the club instructors.
  15. Children under the age of 6 are only allowed on the flight line as a pilot
    or while under flight instruction.
  16. All pets will be on a leash. No pets in pit area or on the flight line.
  17. Should a crash occur, remove all debris from the field.
  18. Report all accidents and injuries to the Davis Bridge Club Safety
  19. No flying before 12:00 noon on Sunday. No Manual Labor will be
    performed at the field on Sunday.
Rule #20
** Leave the flying field cleaner than it was when you arrived**
Field Safety Rule